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Окраска деревянной палубы
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Вот тут товарищ делиться секретом по окраске деревянной палубы. Думаю ценителям брони и пара будет интересно

First of all lay down a base coat of paint, preferably something light, use rattle can, or better, an airbrush. I use MM Sand. Then get a very fine tip brush. If you can't find one, you can cut an existing brush down until it is the width, or slightly less of the planks. Simply cut carefully along the collet where the hairs are attached to the brush, watch carefully how many hairs fall away. Paint planking in a contrasting color trying your best to keep within the width of the molded on planks... but don't worry if you don't get it perfect. Use contrasting colors to the base coat, greys, whites, yellows and dark browns all work well. If you are going to use many colors, be sure and space them as you paint them so that there is an even mixture of different colored planks all over the deck. It's nice to emphasize planks at the borders of steel decks, at the extremities of the ship and near areas where water might collect, this is a subtle form of weathering. It's also nice to have your brush planks fade.. i.e. be sharply defined at one end but fade out at the other end.

Once this is done, go back over the deck with an airbrush with the same color as the base coat, being careful to avoid completely painting out your brush painted planks. You want to reduce the contrast so that the differences in shade are negligible but still discernible to the eye. The result will be a subtle plank shade variation that looks good even if your brush painting is not perfect.
В двух словах:
сначала красим Модел мастеровским Sand. Затем раскрашиваем плашки в разные цвета, контрастные к основному : серым, белым, желтым и темно коричневым. Затем снова проходимся сильно разведенным основным, для умешьшения контрастности.
"И я умер, выбирая ответ, хотя никто не задавал мне вопрос."
Гдето было видео как япониц вианосца палубу малевал, заклеивал скотчем, потом резал ео по досточкам и красил в кучу этапов. очень занимательное было видео и получилось очень красиво.

Если в оскорблениях есть правда - то на что тут оскрбляться?
А если нету - то опять же, на что обижаться-то? (с) Иа-Иа

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