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Все комментарии пользователя Nenad Petkovski (LanceR21)

Модель: F-84G Yugoslavian Air Force

Thank you guys!

Wheel bays are not orange, they are painted in Yellow Chromate, but paint looks strange because of the bad light on pictures. :)
Модель: F-84G Yugoslavian Air Force

Yes, Yugoslavia had F-84, F-86 and T-33. This Thunderjet (ev. number 10571) was based in Batajnica in 1960's.There were only a few Thunderjet's with that experimental camouflage and black numbers.

Прикрепленные файлы:
Модель: MiG-21 PFM NVAF

Thank you all!

"And in general, We are glad to welcome you, the Slav-brother! But... only here the majority of comments will be in Russian, you excuse...)))))

Спасибо! Нет проблем, я буду стараться писать на русском языке. :)
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