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F-14A VF-154

Дата размещения:
12 сентября 2011 года, 20:06
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Год выпуска:
после 1960
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Hi all
Here is my latest work and model im really proud of.
Kit is italeri and its quite nice, no big problems with fit of parts, only problem i had was with the wings so i had put them in "open" position, i like it better that way.
Decals are Fightertown and they are awesome. Cant wait to use them again on F-18F. 
Model is painted with MM colours (Light ghost gray bottom side, Medium gray upper side and Black gray for vertical stabliziers and anti sun glare panel)
Plane itself is 107, only one from VF-154 to fire a gun during operations in Gulf and total 32 bombs dropped.
Loadout is 2x AIM-9, 1x AIM-54, 2x GBU-12 and LANTIRN.
Here are photos and hope you like it.
Оценка модели по параметрам:
Техника исполнения Качество окраски Матчасть
Средняя оценка: 97.7932 (все оценки)
Популярность модели: 80.92


Андрей Лемешко (pelm)
Донецк, Мариуполь.
37 лет
На сайте с 15.12.2009
Nice model!
But there're some mistakes: Tomkets has 3-tone kamo (not 2-tone), and, as I know, there was no Fenix missiles during Gulf war...
In spite of this, I really like your Cat.
Belgrade / Белград
Возраст неизвестен
На сайте с 07.12.2010
F-14A has 2 tone cammouflage. Early one with Gull gray and White and later "low visible" with Light ghost gray and Medium gray.
Only F-14s with 3 tone cammouflage were one from test units or agressor squadrons.
AIM-54 was used in Gulf war, it was often carried but only few times fired and it didnt score any kill.
Андрей Лемешко (pelm)
Донецк, Мариуполь.
37 лет
На сайте с 15.12.2009
Yes, early F-14s has 2 tone cammouflage.
But, I guess, that "low-vis" cammouflage was the same for all F-14s.
And, "low-vis" cammouflage was 3-tone - Medium Grey, Dark Ghosy Grey, Light Ghost Grey.

For the AIM-54 application I was wrong, so I argee with you.
Belgrade / Белград
Возраст неизвестен
На сайте с 07.12.2010
Well it is 3 tone scheme but in operational conditions, colours would really fade and it would be difficult to recognize even theese 2 colours not to mention 3.
But yeah you are right, i missed that detail and on decals i had there were only 2 colours for paint scheme written and i was to lazy to research :)
Андрей Лемешко (pelm)
Донецк, Мариуполь.
37 лет
На сайте с 15.12.2009
Well it is 3 tone scheme but in operational conditions, colours would really fade and it would be difficult to recognize even theese 2 colours not to mention 3.

It's another question. Till I've research the F-14s color scheme's, I'm thinking, that there was only one color.. :)
Ляш Игорь (Kent)
61 год
На сайте с 05.08.2010
Ляш Игорь  (Kent)
SukhoiSRB, nice interceptor! Another small mistake-), in parking area, nozzles at the aircraft must be in the open and closed position/
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Марат Назмеев (Марат)
58 лет
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Марат Назмеев (Марат)
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Belgrade / Белград
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