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STAR WARS // AMAZING Recreating The Battle of Scarif (Vol 1)

Автор: Роман Храмов (khramovroman) · 1047 просмотров

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How to make Star Wars #DIY #Diorama? In this video I’ll show recreating Super Realistic scene the Battle of Scarif.

The Battle of Scarif was the first major battle fought in 0 BBY between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
With Blue Squadron having made it through the shield gate, the Imperial air defenses were scrambled in order to defend the Citadel Tower from the rebel incursion. Rebel X-wings engaged the numerous TIE strikers stationed on Scarif, with both sides suffering substantial casualties. As the air battle raged on, Merrick ordered a U-wing gunship to reinforce the overwhelmed troops on the beach while the rest of the squadron defended them from Imperial fire.

Enjoy watching!
#starwars #howto #recreating



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