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Panzer III K

Дата размещения:
7 ноября 2019 года, 12:54
Раздел галереи:
Тип бронетехники:
Год выпуска:
до 1960
Масштаб модели:

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Новая работа от нашей команды! Совместная работа Михаила Кулакова и Павла Черепанова, 1:35, построена на продажу
Оценка модели по параметрам:
Техника исполнения Качество окраски Матчасть
Средняя оценка: 99 (все оценки)
Популярность модели: 79.21


Zaxar 157
58 лет
На сайте с 09.02.2012
Zaxar 157
Это из WOT?И как такое орудие уместилось в башне тройки?Не вводите в заблуждение коллег!ausf К совсем другая модификация.С уважением.
46 лет
На сайте с 04.11.2013
Павел Черепанов (Pavel_mormon)
44 года
На сайте с 15.03.2008
В интернетах пишут:

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K
This tank was developed on the basis of the later Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf. J chassis, combining it with the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. F2 turret and a 75-mm gun. The first design plans were completed by the end of December 1941. Manufacturing began, but the vehicle proved overly complex and production was soon canceled. A total of 50 vehicles were completed and used as command vehicles. They featured 50-mm guns; the 75-mm guns were never mounted.
The Panzer III, while effective when first introduced, struggled later in World War 2 due to being hopelessly outgunned by T-34 and KV tanks, while being in trouble returning fire as both 5cm and 7.5cm L/24 cannons were effective only when firing special ammunition such as APCR or HEAT. APCR was a short term patch, although an expensive one, while operationally the Panzer III ended up being replaced by the rearmed Panzer IV with the 75mm L/43 and L/48, while the chassis itself found its second life as STUG III.
In an attempt to lengthen the usefulness of the Panzer III chassis, in December 1941 Krupp was requested to mount the Panzer IV turret in a Panzer III chassis, and by the end of the year a preliminary design was ready:
However, this design was never carried out due to several factors, including a large increase in weight that would require new suspension and tracks. Mounting a bigger turret without serious modifications to the hydraulics means that rotation would have become a lot more sluggish, prone to failure or would plainly require manual cranking. Moreover, the tank would have been severely unbalanced.

It should be noted that this proposal should not be confused with the Panzerbefehlswagen III Ausf.K, a radio command variant of the Panzer III that carried a 50 mm cannon unlike other radio command variants.
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Павел Черепанов (Pavel_mormon)
44 года
На сайте с 15.03.2008
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Zaxar 157
58 лет
На сайте с 09.02.2012
Zaxar 157
На счет орудия понятно-башня четверочная стоит.На самом деле модивикация К,которая выпускалась серийно это вот такая машина.
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Zaxar 157
58 лет
На сайте с 09.02.2012
Zaxar 157
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Павел Черепанов (Pavel_mormon)
44 года
На сайте с 15.03.2008
Давайте мы не будем спорить с Хиллари Дойлом, я боюсь, нам обоим до него далеко, в познаниях троечных модификаций.
Но, в любом случае, то что вы имеете в виду, это Panzerbefehlswagen Ausf.K, командный танк:

Zaxar 157
58 лет
На сайте с 09.02.2012
Zaxar 157
А,ну да,у Вас же не написано,что командирский.Мой недосмотр,прошу прощения.
Возраст неизвестен
На сайте с 01.07.2013
В интернетах пишут:

Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. K
This tank was developed on the basis of the later Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf. J chassis, combining it with the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. F2 turret and a 75-mm gun. The first design plans were completed by the end of December 1941. Manufacturing began, but the vehicle proved overly complex and production was soon canceled. A total of 50 vehicles were completed and used as command vehicles. They featured 50-mm guns; the 75-mm guns were never mounted.
The Panzer III, while effective when first introduced, struggled later in World War 2 due to being hopelessly outgunned by T-34 and KV tanks, while being in trouble returning fire as both 5cm and 7.5cm L/24 cannons were effective only when firing special ammunition such as APCR or HEAT. APCR was a short term patch, although an expensive one, while operationally the Panzer III ended up being replaced by the rearmed Panzer IV with the 75mm L/43 and L/48, while the chassis itself found its second life as STUG III.
In an attempt to lengthen the usefulness of the Panzer III chassis, in December 1941 Krupp was requested to mount the Panzer IV turret in a Panzer III chassis, and by the end of the year a preliminary design was ready:
However, this design was never carried out due to several factors, including a large increase in weight that would require new suspension and tracks. Mounting a bigger turret without serious modifications to the hydraulics means that rotation would have become a lot more sluggish, prone to failure or would plainly require manual cranking. Moreover, the tank would have been severely unbalanced.

It should be noted that this proposal should not be confused with the Panzerbefehlswagen III Ausf.K, a radio command variant of the Panzer III that carried a 50 mm cannon unlike other radio command variants.

Ну вот сразу всё ясно нам, лаптёжникам русским.
Павел Черепанов (Pavel_mormon)
44 года
На сайте с 15.03.2008
Надо признать, что без знания английского языка кругозор любителя военной истории и техники ограничен довольно скудным массивом информации.
Вы знаете, что, например, любой ученый-египтолог, кто еще студентом планирует заняться египтологией, начинает с изучения немецкого языка, в совершенстве. Только после этого можно начать изучать древнеегипетский язык. Потому что все словари немецкие.
Также и с танками, но здесь все серьезные книги написаны на английском.
Валерий Дыбошин (DOSIK67)
57 лет
На сайте с 29.08.2012
Валерий Дыбошин (DOSIK67)
Нормально.Оптика-супер! Каталожный номер набора?

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Павел Черепанов
30 ноября 1979 года
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15 марта 2008 года
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