Sergeant of the Teutonic Order 54mm.
Spanish Knight, 1230 54mm.
Briton warrior, 1st century A. C. 54 mm.
Nurthumbrian warrior, 8th-9th C.
Celtic Warrior, La Tene period 54 mm.
Chasseur of the Imperial Guard, 1812-1815
Seil-models European Medieval Warrior 15 Century A.d.
Брятья по Оружию 54мм Comrades in Arms 1812
Noble Gallic Warrior 54mm .
Russian Imperial Army, Major General Y.P. Kulnev (1763-1812)
Roman Cavalry Officer 180A.D. Римский конный Оффицер
SS Sturmbanfhurer of Artillery, 2º SS Panzer Division ''Das Reich'', France 1944
Knight of the Holy Sepulchre Order
Celtic Warrior 3rd B.C. 54mm