Откуда информация про Foliage green на верхних поверхностях?
HF Mk. VIII A58-602 (MV113) RG-V. This was the ‘personal’ aircraft of Wing Commander Robert ‘Bobby’ Gibbs the Wing Leader (Flying) of, 80 Fighter Wing 1st Tactical Air Force, RAAF at Morotai, in 1945. As was the privilege of a Wing Commander, the aircraft bears his initials (RG) as the aircraft code. The ‘V’ of the code was his personal choice and stems from the P-40 he flew in the Western Desert earlier in the war. Camouflage is the standard RAF temperate scheme of dark green and ocean grey and upper surfaces over medium sea grey lower surfaces. The wing leading edges and cannon barrels wear the white theatre identification markings as well as a thin band around the rear fuselage, and a red spinner. Individual markings for this aircraft include:
· RG-V codes in white.
· The white fuselage band.
· A58-602 serials in black.
· A Wing Commander’s pennant and a ‘kills’ scoreboard
· A unique shark mouth marking (with a black centre rather than a red one) nose art and eyes. The aircraft wore the second type shark mouth later on in its life
· ‘Grey Nurse’ scripts in grey.
· The 80 Fighter Wing Ace of Spades playing card insignia. These markings were applied upside down on this machine.
· National insignia consisting of altered 32-inch type C roundel in all six places as well as a 24 inch x 24 inch fin flash.
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