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Baltimore schooner HALCON 1840

Автор: Михаил Зенькевич (hemonik) · 1392 просмотра

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American clipper schooners were versatile ships. They were used not only for commercial transport, but also for fishing, and armed with several guns, also for piracy. After the capture of California by the North American states in 1848, the California gold rush broke out in America and thousands of people on clipper schooners, bypassing Cape Horn, traveled to California. The best clippers spent 89 days on this route.

Also, these schooners took part in the wars for the independence of America

Ship dimensions
Length: 410 mm
Height: 340 mm
Width: 120 mm
Museum quality


Михаил Зенькевич (hemonik)
59 лет
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